Twenty8 Oregano Pure Organic Essential Oil
Oregano has long been revered as an important medicinal and culinary herb.
May assist with indigestion, headaches, sore throats, coughs, cold, flu, bronchitis, parasites and athlete’s foot.
Oreganum vulgaris
Oregano has long been revered as an important medicinal and culinary herb. It has been associated with healing respiratory conditions like asthma, bronchitis, coughs, colds and flu’s and calming digestive disorders like wind, intestinal spasms, parasites and constipation. It is especially helpful in calming tummy upsets when associated to feeling nervous or anxious and blended with oils like Fennel, Grapefruit, Orange or Ginger it can be an effective appetite stimulant. Oregano supports an increase in energy, clarity, more openness and is a wonderful cleanser of negative thoughts and emotions.
Note: Oregano can irritate the skin and mucous membranes so always use diluted. Avoid topically during pregnancy or on hypersensitive skin.
100% certified organic