Munch Fire Starters
These Munch fire starters are perfect to start your log fire on a cold winter night or in summer for your BBQ.
Completely natural and free of any toxins. Once burnt you can bury the ashes in your garden.
Essentially the fire starters are made from the left overs of our Organic Beeswax Food Wraps and they burn for at least 15 minutes.
Just amazing!!
~ Easy to light your log fire or BBQ with. Starts as soon as you light them and keeps burning for at least 15 minutes.
They are truly amazing.
~ Completely natural, no toxins or chemicals at all.
~ No waste to our planet as made from off cuts of their beeswax food wraps and once burnt the ashes can be put in
your garden.
~ Made in New Zealand
~ Ethically made
First being pulled in by their vast variety of eco-friendly, sustainable baby and toddler products, it didn’t take us long to fall in love with the whole range.
Providing opportunities for women around New Zealand to make their beeswax wraps in their own homes, allows them to earn an income and balance out family and any other commitments.
Big fans of their fire starters! Having never seen a natural/sustainable option for this, we were curious to learn more. Using scraps from their beeswax wraps (creating zero-waste) they provide a wonderful non-toxic alternative to their fellow counterparts.
Kicking goals all round we are super excited to share this growing company, leading the way.