Green Nutritionals ~ Green Superfoods Powder
Packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals GreenSUPERFOODS delivers a load of positive health and vitality benefits.
- Lower cholesterol
- Better digestive health
- Deliver high potency nutrients to your body
- Assist with weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight
- Improve digestion and get rid of that sluggish feeling
- Contains 45% easily digestible protein – the best source of nutritional energy
- Antioxidants help reduce the impact of ageing
Certified Organic SPIRULINA 25%, Certified Organic CHLORELLA 25%, Certified Organic Australian BARLEYGRASS 25%, Certified Organic Australian WHEATGRASS 15%, Organic Icelandic LITHOTHAMNIUM CALCAREUM (marine plant minerals) 10%.
With over 25 years experience in the industry, this company demands and delivers 100% transparency from source to contents.
Sourcing and buying from the very best growers in non-polluted regions, the quality control here is magnificent. To finish with the cherry-on-top, Green Nutritional’s exclusively pack their products in 100% recyclable glass and metal packaging.
We are huge advocates of wholefood supplementation. With quality like this on your team, you’re given a head start.
One serve = 3g (1 level teaspoon).
ADULTS: use 1 – 3 serves daily – shake in vegetable / fruit juice, or simply combine with foods. For very active people needing extra nutrition or athletes in training, increase daily intake gradually to 3 or more serves.
CHILDREN: Age 1 – 12 years: use ½ - 1 serve daily.
Store below 25°C in a dry place away from direct sunlight.