Green Nutritionals Yaeyama Pacifica - Chlorella tablets
One of nature’s most powerful natural cleansing and detoxifying foods and THE No. 1 selling health supplement in Japan.
- Rich in carotenoids
- Rich in chlorophyll
- Contains vitamins A, all the Bs, C and E – in their natural form
- Packed with minerals including iron, zinc, calcium, potassium and magnesium
- Easily absorbed by the body
- Flushes toxins from the body
Yaeyama Chlorella 99.5%, tricalcium phosphate 0.5%
Start-up: 3 tablets (half serve=1.5g) daily, for first week.
Maintenance: 6 tablets (one serve=3g) daily.
Optimal: 12 – 18 tablets daily.
Take between meals for maximum effect – drink 1 to 2 litres of pure water daily when taking Chlorella to assist the body in flushing out toxins during detoxification.
With over 25 years experience in the industry, this company demands and delivers 100% transparency from source to contents.
Sourcing and buying from the very best growers in non-polluted regions, the quality control here is magnificent. To finish with the cherry-on-top, Green Nutritional’s exclusively pack their products in 100% recyclable glass and metal packaging.
We are huge advocates of wholefood supplementation. With quality like this on your team, you’re given a head start.