
Superfeast Schizandra 100g

Non-members: $58.00
Members price: $51.62 JOIN TO SAVE ($6.38) 11% Off
Non-members: $58.00
Members price: $51.62 JOIN TO SAVE ($6.38) 11% Off


Youth & beauty tonic

This ‘beauty berry’ of the Orient was used by ancient Chinese royalty to preserve youthfulness, enhance physical radiance, boost sexual desire and as a potent reproductive tonic. This nourishing adaptogenic herb also helps:

  • balance the nervous system
  • improve brain function
  • elevate immunity
  • support all five major organs

One of the most revered anti-ageing herbs of the Taoist tonic system, schizandra enters into all five major organs and twelve meridians, promoting radiance from within. The powerful herb helps to cultivate Jing, tones the liver, increases circulation and Qi, nurtures the heart, opens the lungs and supports Shen.
This extract is potent - it takes 10 kgs of schizandra berries to make 1 kg of extract powder. Small doses over a longer period of time is the tonic herbal way.

100% pure herbal medicine - absolutely no fillers, preservatives or additives of any kind used.

Wild & semi-wild cultivated schizandra berry water extract powder.

Start with ¼ - ½ tsp daily.
Stir into hot water or plant milk for an instant tonic tea.
Works well in hot or cold drinks, broths and meals.

SOURCED • Di Tao sourced from China’s Changbai Mountains.

Working out of Mullumbimby in NSW, Australia, this family-owned business’s first mission is to spread the word and share the epic health benefits of adaptogens. Second to that, they are working on being a FULLY sustainable company. They go to great lengths to reduce their footprint to an absolute minimum and put our Earth first.

Each product is put through vigorous testing to ensure there is no heavy metals, mould or pesticides present. They regularly test batches for arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury. All their tonic herbs and medicinal mushrooms score between an A+ and an A+++, based on the LHMVO ratings.

A portion of each sale is contributed to protecting the unique biodiversity values of the Daintree rainforest. This conscious brand really does go over and beyond to provide high quality products with immense heart and thoughtful backing behind everything they do.

Gold star with love from us.