Earth Star Collective

Earth Star Collective - OF THE EARTH - Essential Oil Perfume 100ml


A grounding, calming blend of

  • frankincense

  • chamomile

  • lavender

  • patchouli

  • tiger's eye crystals

For relaxation, soothing, purifying, mindfulness and focus.



Frankincense: The powerful vibrational properties of this sacred resin purifies mind and body and acts as psychic protection. It is exceptional for enhancing intuition, grounding and spiritual connection in and out of meditation.

Chamomile: Easily dissolves stress, anxiety and even physical pain symptoms with it's sweet scent and muscle-relaxant properties. Promotes happiness and a calm and clear state of mind.

Lavender: Purifies and cleanses on a spiritual level while providing grounded focus on the mental plane. The utmost powerful oil for deep blissful relaxation. It instills a sense of calm even in times of high stress.

Patchouli: Patchouli's deep, musky scent is truly "of the Earth". It draws forth the sacredness of life while attracting abundance and prosperity. Patchouli encourages the spirit to drop deeply into the physical body, connecting us with nature and Earth's healing vibrations.

Tiger's Eye: An stone of earth and fire elements, Tiger's eye welcomes Earthly fortune while invigorating courage and strength. These attributes aid us in overcoming times of stress and chaos in life by creating the trust that we are safe and provided for. It encourages harmony and balance in the energy field and brings focus to the mind.


Purified water, sugar cane alcohol*, vegetable glycerin*, pure essential oils, jojoba oil, tiger's eye crystal chips, Reiki energy, love & intention. *certified organic ingredients

Apply liberally as a natural perfume or as needed therapeutically.

Stop. Spritz. Breathe Deeply. Smile. Feel the Peace.

This gorgeous brand couldn’t have come at a better time for Kirsty. Having not used chemical perfumes for many years she was starting to miss having fragrances to play with. In the same week she put feelers out for all-natural options (that didn’t smell like a candle or a fire), Earth Star’s owner Dani Grey came to her rescue.

Coming into the gym where they knew each other Dani, ingeniously and intuitively gifted Kirsty one of her gorgeous perfumes. Kirsty and Catherine now enjoy the full Earth Star Collective range.

Dani infuses each perfume with an energetically matched crystal and sends them off with love after being doused with reiki.

Thank you so much for sharing this creation with us Dani, you ROCK!