Earth Star Collective

Earth Star Collective - OF THE HEART - Essential Oil Perfume 100ml


A heart opening blend of:

  • frankincense

  • jasmine

  • grapefruit

  • mandarin

  • rose quartz crystal

For deepening self love, emotional healing, relationships, transition and divine feminine energy.




Ingredients: Purified water, sugar cane alcohol*, vegetable glycerin*, pure essential oils, jojoba oil, rose quartz crystal chips, Reiki energy, love & intention. *certified organic ingredients

To Use: Apply liberally as a natural perfume or as needed therapeutically.

Stop. Spritz. Breathe Deeply. Smile. Feel the Love.


Frankincense: The powerful vibrational properties of this sacred resin purifies mind and body and acts as psychic protection. It is exceptional for enhancing intuition, grounding and spiritual connection in and out of meditation.

Jasmine: Linked directly to both the heart centre and crown chakra, Jasmine flows with pure love, compassion and sensuality while enhancing self awareness. It helps us to deal with emotional issues in a calm and balanced way, especially those pertaining to love and relationships.

Grapefruit: This beautiful pink citrus fruit encourages a loving relationship with the body, creating a bond of self-respect and gratitude.

Mandarin: Mandarin brings out our playful, fun loving inner child. It opens our hearts to accepting new love and connections without fear and allows us to let go of negative emotions from the past.

Rose Quartz: The stone of the heart centre, rose quartz delivers healing to all aspects of our relationships—romance, friendship, family and self love. It soothes a broken heart with the energy of unconditional love and forgiveness.


Purified water, sugar cane alcohol*, vegetable glycerin*, pure essential oils, jojoba oil, rose quartz crystal chips, Reiki energy, love & intention. *certified organic ingredients

Apply liberally as a natural perfume or as needed therapeutically.

Stop. Spritz. Breathe Deeply. Smile. Feel the Love.

This gorgeous brand couldn’t have come at a better time for Kirsty. Having not used chemical perfumes for many years she was starting to miss having fragrances to play with. In the same week she put feelers out for all-natural options (that didn’t smell like a candle or a fire), Earth Star’s owner Dani Grey came to her rescue.

Coming into the gym where they knew each other Dani, ingeniously and intuitively gifted Kirsty one of her gorgeous perfumes. Kirsty and Catherine now enjoy the full Earth Star Collective range.

Dani infuses each perfume with an energetically matched crystal and sends them off with love after being doused with reiki.

Thank you so much for sharing this creation with us Dani, you ROCK!