Earth Star Collective

Earth Star Collective Warrior Spirit - Pure Essential Oil Mist - Unisex Scent


An empowering blend of oils and crystals for:

  • Resilience

  • Protection

  • Grounding

  • Emotional Clarity

Stop. Spritz. Breathe Deeply. Smile. Feel Your Power.

Sandalwood: This holy wood is balancing and healing for the root, solar plexus and crown chakras. It opens one up to higher wisdom and spiritual peacefulness, while being both energising and fiercely protective. Sandalwood creates the grounded fire within which allows one to embody the Warrior Spirit.

Lime: Lime strengthens the will and drive of the spirit. It also purifies the aura and fights fatigue.

Grapefruit: This energising and uplifting scent enhances inner strength and resilience, creating a stronger "zest" for life. Grapefruit allows for the release of built up anger and restores one's connection to feelings and emotions in order to better process them.

Patchouli: Deeply grounding, patchouli is an oil of stability and physicality. It is powerfully calming for stress and anxiety and helps to create a cohesive connection between the mind, body and spirit.

Clove: Clove is known for bringing forth emotional clarity and helping one tap into their intuition and higher self. It boosts courage and confidence while also providing psychic protection, warding off low vibrations and unwanted energy from others.

Vetiver: This earthy oil helps to relieve exhaustion, mentally, emotionally and physically. By attuning one to the perfectly balanced energies of nature, it soothes anger and anxiety and encourages the release of stored trauma.

Frankincense: The powerful vibrational properties of this sacred resin purifies mind and body and acts as psychic protection. It is exceptional for enhancing intuition, grounding and spiritual connection in and out of meditation.

Cinnamon: The spiciness of cinnamon stimulates mental clarity. It calls forth our primal nature through the lower chakras, clears trapped emotions, and encourages happiness and a positive outlook on life.

Garnet: This deep red crystal is the embodiment of the energies of fire, passion and strength, carrying the frequency of the Divine Masculine. It promotes action over reaction, empowerment and emotional stability during tumultuous times.

Size: 100ml

Purified water, sugar cane alcohol*, vegetable glycerin*, pure essential oils (frankincense, sandalwood, lime, grapefruit, patchouli, clove, vetiver, cinnamon), jojoba oil, garnet crystal, Reiki energy, love & intention. *certified organic ingredients

Apply liberally as a natural scent or as needed therapeutically.

This gorgeous brand couldn’t have come at a better time for Kirsty. Having not used chemical perfumes for many years she was starting to miss having fragrances to play with. In the same week she put feelers out for all-natural options (that didn’t smell like a candle or a fire), Earth Star’s owner Dani Grey came to her rescue.

Coming into the gym where they knew each other Dani, ingeniously and intuitively gifted Kirsty one of her gorgeous perfumes. Kirsty and Catherine now enjoy the full Earth Star Collective range.

Dani infuses each perfume with an energetically matched crystal and sends them off with love after being doused with reiki.

Thank you so much for sharing this creation with us Dani, you ROCK!