What’s The Best Natural Salt? The Truth About Salt

What’s The Best Natural Salt? The Truth About Salt

Jivita Lifestyler

Salt, unfortunately, has a bad name. But, did you know that natural salt is essential for your life? So, let’s talk about salt.

Is there good or bad salt?

Naturally, yes! Read on to discover the true facts about salt.

Himalayan salts and sea salts are great unrefined alternatives

There are significant differences between refined/common table salt and natural salt.

Refined salt has been exposed to high temperature and chemical processes that remove all the valuable minerals and alter its natural structure, leaving one compound, sodium chloride.

To keep the salt dry and easy to pour, anti-caking agents, bleaches, conditioning compounds and moisture absorbents are often added.

These can include many harmful additives such as aluminium compounds and sulphuric acid. The salt has been stripped of all its nutrients and when digested in our bodies may cause a myriad of health concerns.

No wonder salt has a bad name and no wonder mainstream doctors often recommend low salt diets!

What are the Alternatives: Himalayan Salts & Sea Salts

On the other hand: Unrefined salts such as Himalayan Salt or sea salt, are wholefoods which contains about 84 minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, copper and iron.

Evidence suggests that ancestors have been consuming unrefined salt for over 6,500 years. Our bodies were designed to digest unrefined salt and need it to thrive.

So why do many doctors recommend low salt diets?

The body has difficulty digesting refined salt, as it is not a REAL food.

Refined salt acts as a ‘poison’ and may result in negative health issues such as hypertension, coronary ailments, heart attacks and strokes.

This ‘poison’ is included in so many supermarket foods. No wonder, the doctors are concerned!

However, pure and raw variations are essential for our health and wellbeing. Pure salt helps our bodies in so many ways including:

– Balancing our salt/water levels and our PH levels
– Maintaining homeostasis
– Helping to balance blood pressure
– Improving energy levels
– Nourishing our bodies with its 84 minerals
– Contains electrolytes which helps to prevent muscle cramps
– Supporting people with thyroid issues or adrenal fatigue, and
– Improving digestion

How much salt should you have a day?

LISTEN to your body – we are all different. Some people need more than others.

For example, if you are fairly active, have stress in your life or drink tap water you may need more salt added.

You can do this by adding salt to your food and/or adding a small pinch of unrefined salt to your water.

Other people may only require a small sprinkle on their food.

Trust your taste buds and your instincts. Each day will be different, match your eb and flow.

So, which natural salt is the best?

Salt that comes from natural waterways and is sun dried is optimal. Salt mined from ancient water beds is usually mineral rich. As oceans are becoming more toxic due to pollution, we prefer land harvested salt.

We love the Changing Habits All Natural Seaweed Salt  which comes from the Himalayan foothills of Pakistan.

This salt was laid down on the Himalayas when the oceans covered these mountains many years ago. This salt does not have the natural iodine from the sea plant life (as would be the case in ocean-extracted sea salt) but it also is not exposed to the plastics that pollute our oceans today.

An added benefit of the Changing Habits salt is that they add dulse flakes or dulse powder to their salt to increase the iodine content (pure iodised salt). Dulse is naturally rich in iodine. Iodine is so lacking in our foods today, that by adding a small quantity into our salt, we are able to increase our iodine levels naturally.

We love this salt – it is a real whole food. So, create a healthier you; change to a natural, real food salt today.

Please consult your doctor if you suffer from thyroid conditions, hypertension or kidney problems. All content on our website is provided for information purposes only. Our site is not intended as a substitute for advice given by a medical practitioner, pharmacist or other licensed healthcare professionals.

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