Is organic really best?

Is organic really best?

Dec 14, 2022Jivita Lifestyler

Why organic?

Buying organic food, why on earth should you bother?

Have you ever sat down and seriously thought about it?

Why do people pay more for organic food? Is it actually more?

Does your health improve?

Let’s dive straight in…

What actually is organic?

  • Organic foods are pesticide, herbicide and fungicide free.
  • Organic foods are also free from antibiotics and artificial hormones.
  • Organic foods are generally grown in rich, fertile soil. Soil free from chemical fertilizers.

So, why wouldn’t you want your food to be chemically sprayed?

The spraying of crops began just after World War 2. There was an excess of gun powder and it was realised that along with killing mankind, it could also kill insects. Ka-bang, farmers began dusting their entire crops with it!

Many toxic chemicals once used in agriculture, food and products are now banned. These chemicals once sold as “safe” have now had their potent and drastic effects well documented. Read about the Monsanto glyphosate case in the US, plus many more! Scary!

When one chemical is banned; instead of switching from chemical usage and exploring natural alternatives; the big corporations find a new chemical to use. Arguably the new one is going to be just as dangerous to our health, earth and planet as the first one.

The true cost

Eating as close to how our ancestors ate is a great way to start. Fresh, organic, real food! Doing “organic” today, in the moment, may feel like A LOT of money! We understand the temptation to head towards their cheaper, conventionally farmed counter parts. Let’s get curious – what are some of the true cost of this:

  • Damage caused to the land and waterways by these chemicals
  • Damage to your organs, having to filter out the excess load of chemicals
  • Reduction of nutrients and minerals in your food
  • The loss of nutrients when foods are eaten out of season
  • The negative nutrients in many refined and processed foods which your body needs to process.

Is organic always better?

Not necessarily. Why?

  • Becoming a certified organic producer is onerous, expensive and time-consuming. Hence, many producers follow organic principals but are not certified. (Ask if they are spray-free)
  • Just because it’s organic doesn’t mean your body likes it. Listen in to what your body reacts to and thrives on. Unfortunately, it’s not always the same as what your tastebuds are saying.

An interesting fact:
Certified organic foods – 5% of ingredients do not need to be organic.

What about local?

There are many reasons why local food may be a preferable option; one of which is how far your food has travelled. Well-travelled food is often the same as for us after a long drive, wilted and life-less.

Reduce those miles by getting to know your local farmers. Question them about their principals and enjoy their tips and cooking tricks.

Best place for local food: your local farmer’s market and health food stores. Build your local tribe.

So, where from here?

Making the initial shift to organic, seasonal and local can be over-whelming . We are, as always, here to help 😊

Having the gift of a purchase is a powerful one, we invite you to use it.

Be reassured, this is a fulfilling journey with many unexpected rewards. Remember, be kind to yourself in the process and remind yourself, in this conversation, the slow race wins.

Slowly, slowly …. make the swaps and changes. Embrace the connection and health benefits.

Which foods do we recommend you switch first?
• Clean Fifteen, but avoid the Dirty Dozen

Feeling inspired?

Good luck with your journey, let us know how you go?

If you want to dive deeper, here are some books that we love on this topic:

• Eat, Move and Be Healthy
  By Paul Chek
• Lab to Table
  By Cyndi O’Meara
• The Sheer Ecstasy of being a Lunatic Farmer
  By Joel Salatin
• Dirt: The Erosion of Civilisations
  By David R Montgomery

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