18 reasons to grab a Dr. Bronner’s 18 in 1 castile liquid soap and what you use it for

18 reasons to grab a Dr. Bronner’s 18 in 1 castile liquid soap and what you use it for

Dec 14, 2022Jivita Lifestyler

If you are a first-time user, welcome to a brand and products that set an epic tone. Not only does Dr Bronner’s create high quality products, but their company’s ethics and values are hard to beat .

Their liquid castile soap claims to have 18 possible uses, but what exactly are they? The one thing I had to massively get used to, on first using these products, was how little you needed. It’s crazy! For a healing heavy-handed user, I still sometimes forget, but remember to dilute, dilute, dilute! You really don’t need much of this liquid gold for it to do its job.

Let’s dive right in and start with the ways you can use it on your beloved bods:

1 – Face: 2-3 drops on wet hands, applied to a wet face
2 – Body: one small squirt on a wet washcloth, applied to a wet body
3 – Hair: 1/2 tbsp. in your hand, worked into wet hair, or dilute 1/2 tbsp. in 1/2 a cup of water and work that into wet hair
4 – Bath: Completely depends upon water amount, but roughly 2 tbsp. soap in an average sized tub. (Doesn’t bubble, but still cleans)
5 – Shaving: Face – 10 drops; Underarms – 3 drops; Legs – 1/2 tsp; Work to a lather with wet hands and then apply to the area.
6 – Teeth: 1 drop on a toothbrush. (Yes, it tastes like soap.) Peppermint is our pick.
7 – Foot Bath: 1 and 1/2 tsp. in a small tub of hot water.
8 – Clearing Congestion: 1 tbsp. in a bowl of steamy hot water. Breathe in the mist with a towel draped over the head. Lavender is our pick for this although the peppermint clears those nasal passages very well.

Let’s move to household uses:

9 – Dishes: (handwashing): Pre-dilute 1:10 with water. Squirt on a scrub brush and scrub dishes.
10 – Laundry: 1/3—1/2 cup of soap for a large load in a normal washer. Add 1/2 cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle. Great to use for hand washing too, so simple.
11 – Mopping: 1/4 cup of soap in 6 litres of hot water
12 – All-purpose cleaning: 1/4 cup of soap in a quart of water in a spray bottle. Add 1/4 tsp. tea tree essential oil if desired.
13 – Windows: 1 tbsp. soap in a quart of water in a spray bottle. Follow up with soda water, or half vinegar/ half water.
14 – Toilet: Predilute 1:4 with water in a squirt bottle. Add 1/4 tsp. tea tree oil. Empty toilet, squirt bowl thoroughly, sprinkle baking soda on the brush, scrub bowl, let sit 10 minutes, turn water on, flush.
Rocking on down with all other uses:
15 – Fruit and Veggie Rinse: 1 dash (approx. 1/4 tsp.) in a bowl of water. Dunk produce, give them a scrub and a swish. Then rinse in clear water.
16 – Dog washing: Amount varies widely depending on size, hair type and length, and overall dirtiness. Wet your dog thoroughly, then start to work in castile soap up and down their body until you have a good lather. Really massage it into the skin. Your dog will thank you for it.
17 – Plant spray for bugs: 1 tbsp. in a quart of water. Add 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper or cinnamon, if desired.
18 – Ant spray (not on plants): 1/4 cup of tea tree soap in a quart of water. (This concentration will burn plants.)
If your stuff/veggies are really dirty or you have particularly hard water, try using a little more than the recommended usages. I’m am sure there are more ways to use this incredible product; we would love to hear from you if you’ve found any.

Best sellers are the Peppermint, Lavender and the Unscented.

Check out the whole Dr Bronner’s range today!

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